Wireless Waiter Call System

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About SEWA wireless waiter call system

SEWA waiter call system is developed to innovate the way the hospitality industry interact with their guests. We have created, and continue to improve, a solution with true benefit and no downsides or compromises on existing infrastructure, management or staff procedure - a unique accomplisment on its own. We strongly believe that "if you don't keep evolving and meet guest expectation" you will see a business move elsewhere. With the solutions we offer, we bring you closer to your guests, improve their experience, and they in return will thank you by spending more. Happier guests and more money at the end of the day. How's that for a win-win situation?
Guest can press DRINK to get water or drinks , BILL to ask for bill and CALL to call the waiter when required for service.

Guest Experience

Create the best experience for guests for the duration of their stay with you from food standards to good service.

Fast Service

Instant and discrete communication between guests and stewards at the touch of a button.

Enhanced Branding

Advertising opportunities available on products to raise awareness of offers or events.

A few selected clients already enhanced by, evolved from , advanced by, enjoying the innovations of SEWACall!

Why SEWACall™?

SEWACall™ wireless waiter call system are well developed as per latest technology trends that ensure to benefit the client business and their customers as well.
Increased service quality & customer satisfaction will ensure maximized revenue to our clients.

How wireless waiter call system works?

How wireless waiter call system works?

SEWACall™ wireless waiter call system work on wireless RF technology with a transmission range of 70-100mts in open area and are 100% plug & play, battery operated systems.

  • Wireless SEWACall™ buttons ( with options like call, bill, drink, cancel) are kept on each of tables.
  • Tables are grouped into different groups assigned to different waiters. Ex here waiter A have table 1,2,3 and waiter B have table 4,5,6 to look after for service.
  • The display reciver is kept at the steward station. The table number of the table asking for service is displayed with an audio alert to notify the stewards .
  • The waiters wacthes are alerted for the calls coming from their respective tables only,Ex here waiter A gets service calls from table 1,2,3 , waiter B gets service calls from table 4,5,6 only and the manager gets calls for all the tables.

Advantages of wireless waiter call system

  • Unique guest experience.
  • Improvised hospitality.
  • Discrete communication between waiters and customers.
  • Fast and quick services for guests.
  • Reduction in waiting time for customers.
  • Effecient use of manpower.
  • Modular & flexible systems.
  • Hassle free Wireless installation.
  • Low maintenance cost system.
  • Technology oriented and user friendly.
Advantages of wireless waiter call system

Video of wireless waiter call system

After your customer gets seated the waiter informs them that when they require service, all they need to do is press the SEWA Call™ BUTTON sitting on their table. When the customer presses the call button on their table, their table number will appear on the LED SCREEN as well as watches with the stewards. Thet can then head over to the table to take the order of the customer promptly and quickly.

  • Customer Satisfaction.
  • Better Hospitality.
  • Increase in sales.
  • Saves time and energy of waiters.

Data logging software

SEWA Call™ systems provides you with an advanced wireless call systems management software that enables you to recieve the restaurants calls for bill,drink,service on your computer device. Software helps you to analyze the time spent to attend the calls, monitor how you staff is performing, how long they take to attend the guest requests, record history of all the calls done and many more features.

  • 8 Live calls display popup.
  • Unresponded delayed calls alerts.
  • Monitor Staff Performance.
  • Graphical/Bars data reports.

A VIDEO can help you in gaining a better insight about the SEWACall™ systems.

Check out the latest videos on our youtube channel.

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Product Range

SEWACall™ wireless waiter call system has variety of products that are put together to build up a best solution to fulfil your any complex requirements.
The system have various transmitters and receivers , monitoring softwares which are combined to make typical solutions to be used in various business areas.

SEWA Call Button

SEWA Call Button

SEWA Call Button

SEWA Call Button

Multi Key Call Button

Multi Key Call Button

SEWA(pro) Call Button

SEWA(pro) Call Button

SEWA Call Button

SEWA Call Button

Display Receiver

Display Receiver

Display Receiver

Display Receiver

Display Receiver [ <i class='fa fa-usb' aria-hidden='true'></i> ]

Display Receiver [ ]

Watch receiver

Watch receiver

Call Button Stand

Call Button Stand

System Software

System Software

Call Button Battery

Call Button Battery

Return on Investment

Our solutions ensure that our clients gets benefits in every way from saving time to increasing customers and also saving current cost.
Modify below details to actually see the impact of our solutions on your business.

Total number of tables

Average Customers per day

Avg minutes for a table gets booked

Avg minutes to kitchen from each table

False trips made to kitchen for a table

Total Number of Stewards

Total working days in month

Average salary to employees

The Change you will see

Minutes saved per month

Monthly increase in customers

What we save is time & you know
Time is Money

frequently asked questions

One always have a question on mind, please check below frequently asked questions about our wireless waiter call system .If still have any questions after, do contact our team anytime.

How does the wireless waiter call system work?

The wireless waiter call system work wirelessly on RF technology at a frequency of 433.92Mhz.

I have no knowledge of electronics, how can I setup the wireless waiter call system ?

SEWACall™ wireless waiter call system is 100% plug & play systems , with no requirement of installation or any configuration at your end. You get a fully configured and working systems.

How far does the wireless waiter call system transmit signal?

Signal is transmitted upto distance of 70-100 meters in an open area.

What if I need to send signal farther than 100 mts?

Multiple signal repeaters can be used transmit the signal to larger distances.

Do I need to install WIFI for the system to work?

No, its a standalone system, which do not require any extra devices to be installed. All the devices we send will suffice the working of the wireless waiter call system.

Which battery is supported by the wireless call buttons?

All the call buttons work on 23A 12V battery.

Can I extend the wireless waiter call system in the near future as per my needs?

SEWACall™ wireless waiter call system are flexible & modular design systems in which any number of devices can be added or removed anytime in future without impacting the existing systems.

What is the price of wireless waiter call system ?

Price of wireless waiter call system varies as per requirement. You can share your full requirement with our team and get the exact price for the wireless waiter call system that can fulfil your requirement.

Is it possible to use only the watches, but no display panel?

Yes, thats completely your choice to use only the watches or only the display but combination of both is recommended for.

Are the waiter call buttons waterproof ?

Yes, some specific models are waterproof, consult with team before ordering.

I want to receive calls on the watches as per my grouping of tables,is it possible?

Yes, wireless waiter call system watches can be configured as per your customized requirements.